Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Solve This Maze And Get the Firetruck To The Blaze!

Can you help this firefighter extinguish the blaze? Help him get through the maze. 

Hey, that rhymed! I'm a poet and I didn't know it.

This firetruck needs to get to the fire hydrant for water if he's going to put out a fire. Hurry, he needs your help!

Two ways to play:

  1. Solve on your tablet using the markup tools.
  2. Click on the picture, print, and start solving. 

Be informed about fires. Read our post on Wildfire Safety Tips!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

What Was The California Camp Fire?

The California Camp Fire Disaster

The California Camp Fire was the largest, deadliest forest fire in California's history. It happened early on a Thursday morning in November 2018, while most people were still getting ready for school or for work.

Ten Facts About The California Camp Fire

  1. The Camp Fire is California's deadliest and most destructive wildfire. 
  2. 6th deadliest wildfire in the US 
  3. Many evacuees spent over 3 hours driving through the raging fire 
  4. The blaze was so hot it melted cars and wheels, and reduced bodies to bone. 
  5. It spread at 80 football fields a minute. 
  6. 240 square miles burned. That's larger than the city of Chicago. 
  7. The fire burned for 18 days: from November 8, 2018 at 6:29 a.m. until November 25, 2018 
  8. The Camp Fire is named after where it began: near the Camp Creek and Pulga Roads, close to the Jarbo Gap in Butte County, CA. Fires are often named according to their starting location. 
  9. Number of buildings destroyed: 13,972 homes, 528 restaurants, stores, offices, schools, churches, rest homes, and a hospital, plus 4,293 other structures. 
  10. 50,000 people were evacuated and 86 people lost their lives.
Find out more about Paradise and the disaster below.

Monday, June 12, 2023

12 Useful Wildfire Safety Tips


Wildfire Safety Tips
Wildfire season is upon us, and if you're in an affected area, it's wise to be prepared. 

Kids who are worried about fires should always share their fears with a parent, a trusted caregiver, or a teacher. It's no fun being scared, and adults can provide comfort and talk kids through any dangers.

Let's get to the information! Here are twelve useful ways to be prepared, as well as some evacuation tips.

12 Useful Wildfire Safety Tips

  1. Sign up for emergency alerts on your phone.
  2. If you feel you're in danger, leave no matter what--even without an alert.
  3. Discuss all escape routes with your family, and agree on a meeting place in case your family is separated.
  4. Know your community’s evacuation plans and find several ways to leave the area. Drive the evacuation routes and find shelter locations. 
  5. Clear away dry, flammable brush from your property.
  6. Have a plan for pets and livestock. 
  7. If told to leave, do so. Don't second guess.
  8. If trapped, call 9-1-1. Turn on lights to help rescuers find you. 
  9. Have an emergency-ready kit on hand, including any medications. 
  10. Keep a whistle. It's an inexpensive way to help rescuers find you.
  11. Use N95 masks to filter out airborne particles. 
  12. If you are not ordered to evacuate but smoky conditions exist, stay inside in a safe location or go to a community building where smoke levels are lower. 

For more information, visit Smokey The Bear's excellent website. 
It's packed full of tips and videos: 

Stay safe!

For a kids' forest fire survival story, see our book I Escaped The California Camp Fire.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Print and Solve This Shark Maze!

Welcome back to our special survival series on sharks, the ocean's famous predators. So far, we've covered survival tips and interesting shark facts.

Today we're doing something fun. We've got a shark maze activity sheet for you to print and solve. Can you help this shark swim down to his friend?

Simply click on the picture, print, and start solving. Or play on your tablet using the markup tools.


Print this Great White Shark Maze

You can check out Sharks Part 1 here.

For a true shark survival story, see our kids book, I Escaped The World's Deadliest Shark Attack

Friday, June 9, 2023

What to do if you're attacked by a shark

Welcome to Part 3 in our special series on sharks.
Shark Attack Facts
Did you know?


The shark's weak spots are its delicate eyes, gills, or snout. Aim for these if necessary to escape. Pound the shark in every way possible. Claw or jab at the eyes and gill openings. 

Shout for help. 

If you have a paddle, surfboard, or bodyboard, use these to strike the shark instead of your bare hands or feet. The shark’s skin is extremely rough and can scrape you.

Do not play dead. Do whatever you can to get away. 

If bitten, try to leave the water calmly and swiftly. While many sharks will not bite again, you cannot rule out a second attack.

Try to stop any bleeding. If surfing or bodyboarding, use the leash as a tourniquet.

Get immediate medical attention.

  • Control the bleeding by applying firm pressure, by tightly wrapping the injury, or with a tourniquet. 
  • Remove the person from the water as soon as possible 
  • Protect victim from cold by wrapping in blanket or towels to minimize heat loss. 
  • Do not move victim unnecessarily. 
  • Call 911 for immediate medical help. 


Sharks are dangerous but we must remember that the ocean is their home. They play an important role in keeping the oceans in balance. The United States is a leader in promoting the global conservation and management of sharks. 

Be sure to come back tomorrow for a fun printable shark maze!

For a true shark survival story, check out our kids book, I Escaped The World's Deadliest Shark Attack

Thursday, June 8, 2023

18 Ways To Avoid A Shark Attack!

Welcome to Part 2 in our special series on sharks.Shark


Did you know?
  1. Always swim in a group. Sharks usually attack lone individuals. 
  2. Stay close to shore. 
  3. Avoid the water at night, dawn, or dusk when sharks are more active, and better able to see you than you are to see them. 
  4. Keep away from river mouths, particularly after it rains. 
  5. Stay out of the water if injured or bleeding. Sharks can smell and taste blood and track it from a long way away. 
  6. Avoid wearing shiny jewelry. The reflected light looks like shining fish scales. 
  7. Don't swim where sewage could be present. Sewage attracts bait fish and sharks. 
  8. Stay away from fishing boats and anywhere people are fishing—particularly with bait. 
  9. Leave immediately if a shark is seen. 
  10. Avoid brightly colored clothes. Orange and yellow are said to attract sharks, as do contrasting colors. 
  11. Avoid cloudy waters. 
  12. Don't splash a lot or make seal noises. 
  13. Keep pets out of the water. 
  14. Avoid sandbars or steep drop-offs where sharks hang out. 
  15. Remember that porpoises, seabirds, and turtles often eat the same foods as sharks. If turtles or fish behave erratically, leave the water. 
  16. Don't touch a shark. 
  17. If diving and approached by a shark, stay as still as possible. If you are carrying fish, release the fish. 
  18. Report shark sightings to authorities
Stay safe out there, ocean goers!

Be sure to come back for even more fun facts about sharks!

For a true shark survival story, check out our kids book, I Escaped The World's Deadliest Shark Attack

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


great white shark


Did you know?
  1. Sharks are the apex predators of the ocean. 
  2. Sharks have strong jaws, but they’re not the strongest in the animal kingdom. Instead, they rely on slicing and head-shaking to rip off chunks of flesh 
  3. Sharks have multiple rows of teeth. Some have two or three rows, some as many as fifteen. 
  4. Sharks have excellent vision. Their night vision is better than that of cats or wolves. 
  5. A shark's sense of smell is 10,000 times better than a human's. Sharks can smell a drop of blood in the water. 
  6. Sharks have incredible hearing and can hear movement in the water from miles away. 
  7. Sharks can detect electrical impulses, such as a human's beating heart. 
  8. Unlike humans, whose jaws are fixed and can only open so wide, sharks can unhinge their jaws to grab and hang on to prey. 
  9. Oceanic whitetip sharks are found in the deep open ocean. The species is known for feeding frenzies. 
  10. Oceanic whitetip shark numbers are declining because they’re the main ingredient in shark fin soup. 
  11. The biggest shark is the whale shark. It can grow to over 66 in length. 
  12. The fastest shark is the mako shark. It can reach speeds of 60 miles per hour when hunting. 
  13. Sharks must keep moving or they’ll drown. 
  14. The odds of being attacked by a shark are low. More people are killed by cows and dogs. Most shark species generally do not attack humans. 
  15. The most aggressive shark species are: the great white shark, the striped tiger shark and the bull shark.
Tune in tomorrow for Sharks part 2, with tips for surviving a shark attack! 

Thanks for stopping by and see you soon.

For a true shark survival story, check out our kids book, I Escaped The World's Deadliest Shark Attack